Help Center


Sellers and Pricing
Is GST included in the advertised price?
 Yes, GST is included in the price of all products and services listed on Buy Kiwi.
Is every seller listed on Buy Kiwi a New Zealand company?
It is an eligibility requirement for sellers to be at least 80% NZ owned* to be listed on Buy Kiwi.*Kiwi Owned Business is defined as at least 80% New Zealand owned.
Are imported goods and/or services listed on Buy Kiwi?
The fact is New Zealand does not produce all of the good and/or services we need or want to purchase. Examples such as iPhones, TV’s, Washing Machines, Motor Vehicles, Laptops, Personal Computer and many more. Given this very real situation, our position...
Are all products produced by a seller going to be listed on Buy Kiwi or is it a selected range?
The product range for each seller displayed on the Buy Kiwi marketplace is dependent on the seller.
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Shipping and Returns
What are the shipping options if I am a local (located in New Zealand) shopper?
Local shipping is provided by all of our sellers, and the shipping time and cost is based on each individual seller's policy.
What are the shipping options if I am an international (not located in New Zealand) shopper?
International shipping is provided by many of our sellers, and the shipping options are based on the seller's policy. 
Is there a return policy if I purchase products from Buy Kiwi?
On the Buy Kiwi platform, you are buying products from the business providing the products, so to return goods you must contact the business who provided the products. The return policy must meet the individual business policy and the Consumer Guarantees...
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Buy Kiwi Membership
Can I purchase products from Buy Kiwi if I am not a member?
Yes, register here to be a Buy Kiwi Member
What does the Buy Kiwi membership give access to (e.g. discounts, exclusive promos)?
Ongoing promotions and deals, and information about other products and services we release in the future.
Is the Buy Kiwi membership is paid or free subscription?
Buy kiwi provides a base level membership that is free and may introduce premium level memberships in the future. Register here to be a Buy Kiwi member.
Do I need to give you my credit card details to sign up for the Buy Kiwi membership?
No, this is not required the membership stage but will be required when you purchase a product at checkout.
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