Barista Grade Oat Milk
1 Litre
Made with a tough crowd in mind, Boring® Barista Grade Oat Milk is smooth, creamy and delicious. It complements your brew by letting the espresso shine and also holds its texture nicely when poured. Think of coffee as the lead singer while Boring® is on drums. Great for the pros in cafes and everyday milk stuff at home, Boring® is boringly similar to regular milk, just without the milking bit. It doesn’t come from anywhere fancy like Sweden, it’s all made in New Zealand using New Zealand oats.
Product Name | Boring Barista Grade Oat Milk |
Heart Colour | Pink |
Weight | 1.000000 |
Brand | Paddock to Pantry |
Manufacturer Part Number (MPN) | 39478463955031 |
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