Electronic Acupuncture Pen
Electronic Acupuncture Pen Acupuncture Energy Pen Electric Meridians Therapy Pain Relief Pen Massage Tool
The massage Acupuncture Pen is helpful to regulate immune function and nervous system function. By simulating the current signals of the human nerve fibers, it can contact and massages the acupuncture points of the human body to make the muscle fibers shrink.
When using the pen you will fill the EFFECT in your HAND (there are many acupoints in the hand) as it uses it as a ground pole to complete the circuit. SIMPLY you have to change your grip slightly or grip the device with more of your hand surface to disperse the effect.
Our electric acupuncture tool comes with 3 unique head and has 9 adjustable levels of intensity to satisfy your needs and auto turns off the feature to prevent over-heating and save energy. Dome type: Applicable for health care and facial beautification.
With frequent use of this electronic back massager you will be able to reduce pain, boost your mood, relax, improve your skin condition, and prevent premature aging. A fusion of modern high-quality massage Acupuncture Pen, good for health promotion. Simple operation, easy to carry. Safe and effective, with no side effects.
The electric acupuncture pen trigger point massager is a proven method for the treatment of pain, especially chronic conditions such as arthritis and fibromyalgia. Auto-detection of meridian energy points, adjustable sensitivity, intensity and frequency controls for personalized treatment. The effectiveness of treatment is back by both Chinese traditional medicine and western science.
Safe and effective Acupuncture Pen, with no side effects. It works on partial body parts, and spheroidal type head applicable for quickly alleviating pain, work efficiently to relieve the tension.
Item Type: Acupuncture Pen
Materials: Metal
Product weight: 0.0700 kg
Package Content:
1 x Acupuncture Pen
1 x Spheroidal Probe
1 x Dome Type Probe
Product Name | Electronic Acupuncture Pen |
Weight | 0.001000 |
Brand | Grabstore |